Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A little on the life of your favorite gringa stuck in Central America

Well people, here I am again. Today I am writing this from one of the two Nicaraguan malls. This mall is the 'nice' one and it has wireless interenet. This past week has been fairly uneventful. I laugh frequently or at least want to. I still don't know why any Nicaraguan would ask me my opinions on who should win for president in November. I can't even figure out how many candidates there are. Like I'm pretty sure one of them died this summer and is still running. So when I get asked that or for my phone number when I am just trying to make small talk I just laugh. Ok well yesteday I took pictures in my classes (which they loved) so here they are. love, joy

This shows part of the outside of the school, the long building
holds all of the classrooms, the roof on the left is of the church
we share the campus with, we can only use that for chapel on
Fridays. On the right (it isn’t in the picture) is the office, and
a room they are hoping to call a library (once they get books)

This is the playground (note the transparency of the slide on the left)
The shack to the right gets opened up for kids to buy food during
Recess, it isn’t affiliated with the school but Matthew sees it as
A good way to support the community.

Second Grade (The blue book they are holding is the project they are working on to learn their colors)

Third Grade

Kindergarten (I didn’t have a chance to take a picture of all 30
Of them but here are three), I teach kindergarten Thursdays.

First Grade (This is a lot of 1st graders and I think 6 are absent)

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