Hello, and welcome to update numero dos from Joy! Although it may seem like you just heard from me, really a lot has happened (unless you did just hear from me than not much has changed). I'm a little tired so there is a possibility this e-mail may actually be brief but more likely it will be incoherent. So either way feel free to stop reading whenever and I'll never know. And here she blows...
Mexico and Memorial
On August 16th I went to Mexico, on August 15th my grandmother died. She had been sick a long time and things went more quickly and painlessly than we ever could have hoped for. My family all encouraged me to still go on the trip and that was definitely the right decision. I think God really used this time in Mexico to increase my confidence about this whole Nicaragua thing. Obviously the extra language use was helpful and I got to see that God really does have a plan. That aside, one thing that was really good on the trip was that I got to spend lots of time with the little kids. Now you may be thinking "Joy, why was that a good thing? You don't even like kids." That may be true but I am moving to Nicaragua to teach kids with no direction. Hanging out with them in Mexico got me accustomed to being with kids that don't speak English and reminded me that kids do like to color and play games like pato, pato, ganso (duck, duck, goose).
Other things were cool too. Like on Sunday nights everyone gets dressed up and goes to the town square. They separate by gender and the boys circle the square walking clock-wise while the girls walk counter clock-wise. If a boy likes a girl he asks her if he can walk with her and the walk around it together, in the girls direction. It was just like old-fashioned prom or something.
I could say a lot more about that, but I won't. I got back to my lovely home town the following Thursday and then two days later we had a memorial here for my grandma. Although it was sad, it was nice to see the family and Jeremy and Cristina (and Elijah) were able to come up from Nicaragua
Moving On
Since then I've been packing and cleaning and trying to do things I won't be able to do once I leave. These things include, but are not limited to; talking on the phone, drinking Peet's coffee (well maybe not actually coffee but I'm sure there is a little in what I order), driving, watching cable television, taking scalding hot showers, having tea parties with my sister, socializing with people I know. Pretty much really important things.
Am I Excited?
So lately people keep asking me if I am excited or nervous, prepared or overwhelmed. Yes, I definitely am.
Love, Joy
PS. What is going on with you?
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