Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I just couldn't wait until Christmas

My uncle recently sent me an article from the San Jose Mercury entitled "Nicaragua, the next Costa Rica?" I think I am going to become a travel writer, but actually tell the truth about the places instead of talking about how the juice colors contrast very nicely with the teal of the tables in one restaurant in Granada. I mean is that really reason enough to visit a country that lacks consistent electricity? Oh well, on Saturday I am returning to the loveliness that sometimes I accidentally call Home. In honor of returning I figured there are two obvious topics this e-mail could discuss. Option one would be to write about my stay in the US of A, option two would be to talk about what I am doing in Nicaragua. Because I don't actually have a firm grasp on what I'll be doing when I return, I figured option one is the best bet.

An Ode to Life
(This is in true Thomas/Lee poetry form so really you can't make fun of, or analyze it like more traditional poetic styles)

I returned to the States the end of November,
And stayed here for most of January, and all of December.
So in this poem I'll recall some events of my life,
While leaving out details that may cause strife.

I took many hot showers,
Saw lots of dead flowers.
Was frequently cold,
and saw places of old.

As for specifics I have some to share,
Like on Saturday, Stacy styled my hair.
What else could be written? Possibly favorite food?
By two restaurants I am particularly woo'd
Zachary's and Zia's are my favorite places to eat,
Something about Z names can't be beat,
At other times coffee shops are a good place to chill,
Especially when someone else foots the bill.
This may sound pathetic, like I'm super poor,
But I worked nine partial days, I know "it takes a little more."

After two months some things I am ready to leave,
But others less so, to what do I cleave?
I saw lots of great friends, during my trip
It amazes me that people still think I'm hip.
Then there is my family that is amazingly rad,
They also love poetry that is particularly bad.
I love it how here I can be free,
To express all the different phases of me.
But life here is fast, speedy, and quick,
And the stress of it all tends to make my stomach sick.

My mind battles between which life I desire,
But then I remember my calling is higher
In Nicaragua,California, or wherever I rest,
God has a plan that will always be best.
I just have to remember that Christ gives salvation,
Regardless of trials in every situation.

Love, Joy

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