Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Observed Birthday Lincoln!

A lot has happened since my last update so I'll probably do a completely inadequate job of writing about them and focus on the parts that don't matter and leave it at that.   

On Friday I got back from Mexico.  While I was gone I missed the Super Bowl and Super Tuesday.  So once again I didn't vote.  I guess now I can throw away those unopened voter packets on my desk.  Some of you may be disappointed in my lack of political patriotism but if you are going to judge me there are many other things you could choose as the basis of your judgment (like me missing the Super Bowl).  

The day before I was scheduled to leave I came down with one of those sicknesses when your whole body aches and all you can do is bundle up and try to sleep.  This made packing a challenge mostly tackled by my mom.  Overall I wasn't really prepared for my trip, on the way to the airport I asked which one we were flying out of.  I realized on the flight that the only reason I had any cash on me was because on Tuesday at work I had to buy something on my credit card and they had reimbursed me $64.  When we landed I was feeling fine except for my nose was running and whenever I would blow it I would have to brace myself from the dizziness.  The next day I was feeling completely better but when we got to the town we were visiting I was starting to feel a little queasy.  I went to sit on this planter box for a while then moved to sitting on the ground with my back on the box for support.  After about an hour of this nonsense (spiced up by this man returning to sit by me and tell me his opinion of American women in Spanglish -- it was favorable) I threw up.  I was already on the ground so really I just leaned over, yup one of my finer moments for sure. TMI?  Probably so I will move-on.

I love Mascota, Mexico.  Every one of you should visit Mascota.  When I go back to Managua in 9 days I need to no be bitter that it is no where near as cool as Mascota.  Every one of you should visit Managua.  I don't know what to say about this trip.  I am glad I went but it was not easy.  Outwardly I guess it was I slept in late every day.  But internally it was a struggle.  Much of our time was spent doing street evangelism, something I am totally uncomfortable with (especially in Spanish).  One night I met with Luz and two girls Daisy and Julia for their Bible study.  They had just finished what they were studying so Luz thought it would be good to share testimonies.  God has obviously been equally faithful in all of our lives (because He doesn't change) but um some people's stories sound a whole lot cooler (especially in Spanish --once again).  Then there was the added factor of the things I "should" have been doing in the states for these 9 days.  So lots of that, but I am pretty sure it was good that I went, and I love Mascota.

The weekend before I left I went to Oregon (North, remember?).  It was great to hang out with my PawPaw and mom and sister and niece and nephew and five cats.  And one day my sister and I went to go see a family that I knew from Davis and hadn't seen in a few years.  That was great too.  When we were driving back a sign said we were going to need to put on chains, but we stopped at Targetfor an hour and by the time we got back on the road we didn't need chains anymore.  Praise God for Target.  

Now I'm back in Concord trying to get ready to leave again in 9 DAYS.  Tomorrow I'll be back at work so maybe today I'll finish cleaning my room. My mom said I have to dust because I haven't in two years and I'm lying on my bed writing this because my desk and two chairs are covered with stuff (like unopened voter pamphlets).  This weekend was the second one I've been home in 2008 and the only one I haven't worked, so I've been able to be productive with personal stuff like transferring my iTunes to my new computer and helping paint my parents' bedroom and writing this babble.  Now, I probably had some super amazing and unbelievable things to share but I presently can't remember them.  

PS I don't know why this is white

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