Thursday, February 21, 2008

back to the third world

Last night I got back to my home in Nicaragua (not to be confused with my home in Concord or Heaven).  Although there are a new variety of Daniel Ortega billboards up and my roommates had reorganized the living room furniture (again) not much has changed in the two months I've been gone.  But after being gone I am reminded of the differences between here and the states. Here are 5
1) The smell. Nicaragua has a distinct smell that hits you right when you get off the airplane.  I don't know how to describe it but you are welcome to come down here to smell for yourself.
2) Bananas.  This morning I went to the grocery store and they didn't have any bananas.  This is particularly odd because bananas are a staple here.  
3) Mosquitoes.  Or maybe it was just one that kept getting bigger because it bit me so many times.
4) Gallo pinto.  No matter how many times my mom tries to make it in the states it just isn't the same.  I think because she can't buy the right beans.  But here there are the right beans and it is amazing.
5) People.  Yup they're all different.  I live with different people.  The people at the grocery store are different (and speak a different language).  Pretty much I'm the only person that is here and was with me in California.

So far today I went to the store, ate some gallo pinto, and have attempted to begin unpacking.  After the grocery store we were going to get smoothies.  SambaJuice moved and the other smoothie place, The Spot, only sells coke and ice cream now.  Oh well, I saved some money.    
OK I'd better continue putting things away.

Love, Joy

PS If you think I don't have your address you should give it to me and you'll get a prize in the mail.

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