Wednesday, October 10, 2007

i got it from my mama

School is canceled today because no students came. When it's been raining hard for 24 hours the neighborhood where my school is, and many other Nicaraguan barrios, turn into lakes. Since most families don't have boats the parents keep their kids home. So now I'm awake with a whole day ahead of me and am writing this update while watching Ritmoson Latino which is totally bringing back memories of college and "super estrella numero uno." But don't worry i actually have other things to talk about.

I sent my last update last Tuesday, Wednesday morning my school got robbed again. We had recently started computer classes on Saturdays for some of our advanced students. The laptops they use are locked up in our office and we have a night gaurd that is supposed to protect them. At 4 in the morning he wasn't at the top of his game so three guys came and took his gun, six laptops, one desktop computer, and a generator. For those of you that can piece together Spanish, there is an article about it at Over all it was a discouraging experience, one of my first graders was really concerned that without access to the office the bell couldn't ring and there would be no recess. Matthew was bummed because he thought when you hire people and paid them well, they will do their jobs. I got carrot cake muffins out of the situation so I guess I wasn't really negatively effected.

A few weeks ago my friend, Lori, was informed that since she is 26 she only has 4 more years to live. I think some guys told her that to get her to go on a date but regardless she decided she needed to start doing new things here. In this country that is easier said than done. Saturday we sat aside to try new things. After much deliberation we ended up at the mall's arcade. You are supposed to by a credit card and put money onto it and then swipe that at the games. There had been a zip-lock bag full of change on my dresser so we decided to keep in the spirit of coin arcades we would use that money to load our card. Let me tell you, the workers there loved us. Lori then pointed out how ridiculous it was that we were the poor white girls hanging out with the rich Nicaraguan youth. We played air hockey and some motorcycle game and then were out of money. We had other big plans for that night like going to a club had that was having a tribute to John Lennon concert but instead we stayed home and ate tacos and ice cream and watched a movie.

Sunday our excitement picked up again and we went to the Black Eyed Peas concert. I guess they're on Latin American tour right now and as of Sunday night Nica Chicas are the mas bonitas. I think I had heard most of their songs but only knew that like two of them were theirs. Others like "Sweet Child of Mine", I thought were was too old to be theirs, but I guess not. Last night we were going to go to the 40 cent circus but it was raining too much so it might get postponed until later this week. Lori checked it out and said they have a dog, monkey, and clown car, how could we miss something like that?

Well, that probably sums up most of what I've been up to. The electricity has come on an hour early the last two nights. My dad is coming tomorrow. I think I'm going to take a nap soon.

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