Wednesday, August 29, 2007

who am i?

I'm sure exams are coming up soon at my school so I thought I would give one to you as well. Being the underdedicated teacher that I am, this will be True/False. Multiple choice was taking too much time.

  1. Sometimes talking on the phone depresses me. T/F
  2. I love sand. T/F
  3. Melted cheese makes most foods better. T/F
  4. Khaki pants have no effect on the reliability of my driver. T/F
  5. I have nothing better to do than write you e-mails all the time. T/F
  6. I know when to use preterit and imperfect tenses. T/F
  7. The first draft of this e-mail was hand written because there was no electricity. T/F
  8. I am a great team player. T/F
  9. My Sunday afternoon walk this weekend was through a river of mud because it was raining so hard. T/F
  10. I work more than 20 hours a week. T/F
  11. One of my biggest fears about moving back to the states is having to get a job. T/F
  12. It doesn't bother me at all when sentences trail off and people compensate by using hand motions. T/F
  13. When going through my expenses for August I realized that for some one that doesn't like coffee I spend a lot of time in coffee shops. T/F
  14. I brushed my hair this month. T/F
  15. I over use the words ghetto and confused. T/F
  16. I have no problem sleeping with the lights on. T/F
  17. You are my favorite person. T/F

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