Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Thursday!

Welcome to my update.

Work recently has been particularly busy. For the most part I don’t believe in getting stressed but this week (Monday especially) that belief was not particularly evident. On the bright side I’ve been getting paid overtime. And again I’m learning more and more what it means to pray continually.

One of the projects I’ve been working on is sending out a letter to promote these All Plastic paint cans we distribute. I wrote the letters, assembled a mailing list, stuffed envelopes (at home), and then finally on Monday I mailed them. Yesterday I got my first call from someone who got the letter and is interested in buying the product. It was very exciting to see that what I did will actually bring money.

A lady just asked me where I got the shoes I am wearing. She loves them. I am not a huge fan but I had to throw away my favorite shoes yesterday so these are backup. I guess when you buy shoes at Payless in Nicaragua you can’t expect them to last more than 2 years.

Speaking of shopping, I really don’t like shopping online. I’ve been trying to order some books from Barnes and Nobel and even though I consider myself fairly computer savvy it definitely would have been quicker for me to just go to the store. The order status is saying that my books will be shipped August 24th. I’m a little bitter. I don’t want to talk about it.

A few weeks ago I was bored so I went to this class on how to use coupons. It was very fascinating learning how much money you can save when using coupons. On the other hand it was a quite a bit overwhelming. For example I really need to buy some deodorant but the lady was insisting that deodorant is one of the things you should never pay full price for. So now I feel like I can’t buy any until it is on super sale so I’m stuck using this stuff I don’t like until I can get it for “practically free.”

I’ve been going to this Bible study bi-monthly for the very spiritual reason of having a social outlet and making new friends. I think that it has been working and possibly I could call these people “friends!” Here is my problem whenever they invite me to do things I say no. My intention isn’t to play hard-to-get but I usually have really good excuses. Like going to an 8:30 movie on a Wednesday night would keep me up past my bed-time. They also asked me if I wanted to go on a weekend trip they are planning. Woah that is moving a little too fast, don’t you think?

Ok on a more upbeat note. My cousin Eric and his wife Jamie had a baby girl yesterday – that’s exciting. I stopped by to say hi today after work and stayed for dinner. Normally it probably isn’t kosher to mooch a free dinner off of people that just had a baby but I did bring over a really good cake.

How are you?

1 comment:

sunsfromsanfrancisco said...

Joy, you're so hilarious. When are you quitting this paint bucket mailing job and moving to Manhattan? We need you over here.