Yesterday at work I had a very Survivor like experience. I've only seen about four episodes of Survivor, all on my NYC trip to the Congdons, but it seems like everyone is making alliances all the time, behind people's backs. So this lady literally cornered me in the copy room to ask me what I think about this other lady in the office. I said I liked her and that for the most part I try to live liking people, a very unexciting response,. She shared her undermined opinion of the lady in question and then we moved onto a more neutral topic. Do I look like I want my life to be filled with middle-aged drama?
On a brighter note, yesterday I got to deep-clean some cabinets, a break from the spreadsheets I've been spending my time with.
Another thing I get to do is sign for UPS packages. The UPS guy scares me, I guess he is just really friendly. I don't know how to deal with it so it is always a very awkward time.
Today I was informed that I am not supposed to just transfer every call to customer service because they are very busy. Good to know because unless someone calls and asks for a specific name I transfer them to customer service, because I don't have a clue what the rest of the people do.
In honor of the three day weekend, tomorrow is casual Friday. I now know how students feel when they usually have wear uniforms then get a free day. A lot of pressure.
Speaking of students, my commute is no longer exactly 30 minutes. It has been taking at least 35; 45 today because of an accident.
Last weekend my friend Morgan came to visit. She's from Iowa and been living in New Mexico, but we know each other from Nicaragua. It was great to get to spend time with her and lucky her, she got to house sit with me one night. To follow tradition, we played Boggle and Speed Scrabble. We probably played 10 rounds of Boggle and all but 3 rounds her score was double mine -- exactly. We also went to pick fruits and vegetables from my neighbor's house. He has something like 30 fruit trees and 50 tomato plants. He carried what we picked home for us down the road on his riding lawn-mower. He is 82 so I guess he can ride a lawn-mower down suburban city streets wearing a cowboy hat.
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