Thursday, May 15, 2008

Animals, rain and liquid assets


            There are these little beetle/grasshopper things here that sound like helicopters.  I never remember what they are called but for the most part we have a fine relationship.  Last Thursday in the library a kid was sitting down on the mats and pulled some out of his pocket, alive, to show me.  He was really excited but I can’t really encourage that, right.  He then left them in a little hole in the dirt outside of the door.

On Friday morning I was waiting in the library for furniture to get delivered and I had opened the property’s main gate so the delivery truck could pull in.  Finally the truck showed up (I won’t get into how long that took) and as I was directing the men where to put the things, five cows that were grazing on the street decided that the grass was looking greener on the other side.  And but the other side I mean the inside.  So then I found myself chasing cows back out of the gate.  All in the duty of me as a librarian I guess.


            On Saturday night the long awaited rain came.  It was paired with no electricity, but there was a lot of lightening so it wasn’t that dark.  Monday morning around 2am the rain came back, I was immensely happy that I didn’t have any thing to do early so I could just lie in my bed listening to the sky pour out all it had been storing for the last five months.  When it is actually raining it is cooler, but the rest of the day is still miserably hot, but things will probably be green soon and green is pretty. 

Liquid Assets:

            On Tuesday I didn’t have time to walk to the library so I decided to take one of these three-wheeled taxi things.  I have a little change purse in my backpack and I know they are cheep so I figured I’d be fine.  I got one right away and told him where I needed to go then counted my change and asked him how much it would be.  He said it would be 30 Cords, since I only had 7 Cords I thanked him and asked him politely to let me off where we were, I could walk the rest of the way.  He was very nice I drove me the whole way.  I was trying to think of what else I could offer him to make up at least part of the difference but although I had my laptop, ipod, digital camera, cell phone, and lunch there wasn’t really anything I could give.  I considered the lunch but I get a little testy if I don’t have food.  I think this story signifies it is time for me to go to the bank.