Thursday, April 17, 2008


Happy mid-April!  How are you doing?  The quality of my week has been steadily increasing, and it is Thursday so I am doing quite fine. 

Things have actually been happening in the library and I figured I’d fill you in on the progress.  A few weeks ago all the data I had entered in our library database was magically erased.  Since I had entered, by hand, 500 books, I was a little discouraged, but in the way where I just tried not to think about it.  Next week we have a barcode scanner coming in and that should make the process exponentially easier, I am holding out on that aspect of librarianism.  But, there are more things to do.  I met with the three ladies that are involved with the library (Kathy, Amanda, and Lori) on Monday and we discussed what practical things we should be doing.  It is a little hard balancing responsibility when there is a lack of communication so this was a good step. 

Our goal now is to open the library the week of the 28th for in-house reading (no borrowing yet), we want to get the kids re-accustomed to being on the property in a educational setting (there used to be reading/activity times).  In order to get to this step the building itself needs a lot of work.  Yesterday Lori and I went and invested a large sum of money into furniture for the library: tables, desks, chairs, and storage cabinets.  They will all be delivered next week. We also met with a man that makes bookshelves to get a price quote.  His finished work is very good and highly recommended but he is a little on the shady side business-wise, so we need to ponder that one for a while.   

Through some connections at a bookstore here in Managua we were finally able to get a hold of a lady that has set up the only lending library system in the country.  We are making plans to meet with her next week and see her system.  Her library happens to be at the nicest beach town in the country so we are making it a two-night trip.  We were hoping to stay at the super nice hotel there but I just got an e-mail saying they are full except for there $200/night houses.  That includes breakfast but is still a little out of our price range.  

This morning I spent a few hours getting books onto the shelves we have in some sort of organized manner.  I am shocked by how full our empty shelves are getting.  And by how many geckos like to hide out in boxes.

Also this week I got my own set of keys for the library and got business cards made.  Now I am way official.

Now for the non-library related news, except in the manner that it is related to the librarian, tomorrow I am going to a farm or something until Sunday.  I have no details except that we are leaving at three and it will be cold and I should bring $25.  I don’t even know who the “we” is but I’m sure it will be fine.

For your viewing pleasure here is a picture of me taken on my computer while writing this, I know, exciting...

and a picture of my business card.  I realize that my middle name is misspelled but it is less confusing for my client-base that way...

 Much love, Joy

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