Monday, July 23, 2007

global warning my foot

I haven't written for quite some time now and figured it was about time to fill you all in briefly about my life. Right now I am in overcast San Diego. I have been here since last Sunday for a wedding and sleeping. I am leaving tomorrow to return to Nicaragua. So yes I'm going back. Until December 4th (that's my return flight). Yes, I'm nervous. Yes, I'm excited. Yes, I'll miss hot showers and cereal and blueberries. For those of you I got to see I am really glad and for those of you I didn't see I'm sorry I'm such a loser. As I return things will be a little different, I'll have one new roommate and my brother and sister-in-law just moved back to the states. Other things will be the same, I'll still be teaching 1-3 grade English, I'll still have to pretend I know Spanish, I still will be living without electricity a few hours a day. As far as this trip to the states goes, I've been here for one action packed month but had a great time. I had forgotten how nice and necessary it is to spend quality time with people, and I've gotten to do a lot of that. In other ways I'm ready to return. I'm not a big shopper but everything is on sale here. I forget that even things on sale are more expensive than buying nothing. And my trip has been more nomadic than usual and that can be a little draining. What else do I have to say? Pray for me, come visit me, keep me posted on your lives. Oh, and a shout out to my favorite sister, it's her birthday.
Love, Joy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi!! This is Mika!!

Do you have wedding?? I want to see the picture.

Happy birthday your sister!!