Thursday, May 31, 2007

rabbit (say if first thing tomorrow morning)

It is rainy season. The streets are now rivers and water is plentiful. The air is fresh and I get to wear pants. The only problem (because there must be one) is that now those cold showers are back to being miserable. Oh and I'm supposed to be tutoring right now but can't because it is raining too hard to walk and I am, as always, out of minutes on my phone. Has having flaky friends finally rubbed off on me?

Yesterday was Nicaraguan Mother's day. It is a way bigger deal here than in the States. On Tuesday my school was only half day because there was some sort of Mother's day presentation. And then Wednesday there was no school at all. Hallelujah, I love moms. Another thing here is that Mother's day colors are red and white and pretty much every where is decorated to look like tacky Valentine's day.

Tomorrow is Kid's day or something so we have another half day and I was informed this afternoon that I am supposed to have some sort of game and prizes prepared. What games are appreciated by kids ranging in ages from 4 to 16?

I often mention that my kids are out of control but maybe I don't go into enough detail. I have to admit that sometimes I question myself about whether or not it is really as bad as I think, but things happen and I am comforted that I do teach at a crazy school. Now for one of the primest examples (yes, even beyond eating toothpaste for lunch): On Monday I walked into my 1st grade class and one of my students asked if he could go to the bathroom and I said no because he asks every single day as soon as I walk in. I ushered him back to his seat, along with the rest of the class, and then started to talk about the book we were going to read. Then I look up to the back of the classroom and there he is peeing on the wall. I was like “oh my, please don't be doing what I think you're doing,” but the other students made sure I knew exactly what was going on. So I told them not to worry about it and go back to their seats but one of them when out side and told their regular teacher who then came in and yelled at him in front of the class. At this point all of the students started chanting something and banging on their desks and Sacarias started crying. Yeah and just if you were wondering no emergency cleaning team came.

OK and maybe I've talked about my student's home lives being messed up too and now have a great example of that. I was talking to the pre-school teacher today, she's a good one to explain every one's history in the school. So I was commenting on what an attentive grandpa Lucy has and the teacher told me that it isn't Lucy's grandfather but dad. Which is crazy because he is old (no offense to my elderly readers, but you don't have a 4 year-old). Then the teacher started telling me about her own family. Her parents divorced when she was twelve because her father wanted a new woman. Through some process, that I would know more about if my Spanish had less issues, her father ended up marrying her brother's girlfriend. That is strange and I'm sure Deuteronomy has something to say about it.

Yesterday Cristina and I went around town taking pictures. We are hoping to eventually put them into a book along with some fabulous commentary that may be available for purchase one day. So be excited for that day.

I hope your life is going splendidly...let me know.

love, joy

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