Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Happy Spring

Springtime is here in theory, but no so much in Nicaraguan reality because we have 2 seasons, wet and dry. Now it is dry, and windy so when you come inside you realize that chunks of dirt have been blasted into your skin. I think it's good for the complexion. Besides wind, bugs are also out in at least semi-full force. Last night I couldn't sleep because I was itching and finally after two hours I took a Bennedryl. That stuff is magical.

Monday at school I started working on body parts with my first graders and today we did a craft. It was a pretty cool one but I forgot to take my camera so maybe next week you'll get a picture. In second and third grade I am just trying to finish up Unit 1 so that after Semana Santa we can start on the new unit. However, this process isn't going very smoothly and I had them write "I will not talk in class" 30 times, 50 for some. I've also been sending more students to the office. I realized when I sent them to the hall to sit with the other teacher they just run around, which kinda defeats the purpose if you ask me.

Last Friday I completed my 23rd year of life. It was super exciting and monumental. On Saturday morning Jeremy and Cristina took me out to breakfast at the one fancy hotel in Managua. I had waffles and the most kick in the mouth grapefruit juice imaginable. But no matter how fancy a place gets there still isn't hot water in the bathroom sinks.

I haven't been grocery shopping in a while and I'm definitely running out of food. As I am writing this I am wondering what I am supposed to eat for breakfast. I've been into pickles lately but I don't think those are considered a breakfast food.

Next week my Korean students are testing to get into NCA (the English speaking Christian school). Today they needed help filling out the application, I think the funniest part was them trying to figure out how to spell their parents' names. Jeung, Jung, Jong, me. In math tutoring yesterday I got totally stumped on a problem. I guess we all knew it would happen eventually but really it is ridiculous to give problems that are nothing like the examples. And it was about probability, or at least it had the word "probability" in it which automatically confuses me.

As for tomorrow it "is a new day with no mistakes in it yet." I think I am going to make tacos for dinner.

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