Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life begins when you do

After my recent boredom crisis at work I told my boss, Tom, that I am getting restless in my position and would like to have more responsibility at least while I’m figuring out something better to do with my life.  We met yesterday and so far he has given me the books Motivational Quotes (see subject line), The Success Principles and Now, Discover Your Strengths.  He’s really excited about the strengths one, there is a quiz at the end and then we can discuss my scores and figure out what to do with me.  He said, “Joy, the most important knowledge is self-knowledge, true or false?”  He thinks it’s true and I didn’t want to come right out and tell him I think that is bologna and depressing so I told him I‘d think about it.

The Giants are in the World Series playing the Rangers.  You probably knew that because you don’t live under a rock.  My company donated money for a pool that I am in charge of organizing.  After this morning when one of the winners asked me who won and where the Rangers are from, I decided that before collecting their money the winners need to tell me

What 2 teams are playing?
What inning did you win, with what score?
What was the final score?

Wow, people do not like those rules.  I’m not even saying they need to watch the game but spend less than 2 minutes researching on-line or ask a stranger on the side of the road and I will give them money. Still some people opted out of participating.  One of the other quotes from that book "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." --Bill Cosby.

In other news I am Grandma Phyllis sitting this week.  For those of you that don’t know Grandma Phyllis, she is my brother-in-law’s grandma.  So far she is still alive so things are looking good.

Every work morning I make myself a cup of tea for the road, this has been my habit for the last year.  Yesterday I forgot, what does that say about me?

What's going on with you?  I really do care and feel lame about being so one sided.

love, joy

1 comment:

Big Albert-- or just Courtney said...

Hi Joy,

I enjoy your writing! Your wonderful sense of humor transcends the dense world of cyberspace.

It is great to laugh as I read about your life... it makes me laugh more about my laugh-- which is absolutely necessary during such a time of limbo.

O yes, and I am the person who lives under a rock because I had to Google what sport the Giants belonged to!

If you want to chat, feel free to e-mail me at

P.S. I don't really go by Big Albert-- it was inspired by your Bill Cosby quote and the fact that Blogger tells me to "Choose an Identity." So for today, or just while I'm responding to your post, I'm going to be Big Albert. Enough said.