Thursday, January 22, 2009

reunions and taxes and more

Just about 7 years ago, like many highschool Seniors, I was deciding where to go to college. I very adamantly didn't want to go to UC Davis, however my desire to be a weather girl out-weighed my dislike for Davis so that is where I went (to later graduate as an organizational studies major). Not long into my stint there I fell in love with the town, its people and its sandwiches. A few weekends ago I went back to meet up with some of my favorite people and eat some of my favorite sandwiches. It was fabulous bonding with my college roommates, those are 5 of the people that know me best in the world and I had forgotten how refreshing it is to spend time with them. The weather that weekend was perfect and we got to spend a lot of time outside walking around the town and campus. I was excited to see some changes to the town like 3 frozen yogurt shops and a new Peet's, there were changes to the campus too but who really cares about those. I started writing this a while ago and I think it used to have more of a point, but I've since forgotten what that was. I guess you should just know that I had a great time.
Then (+1)

Now (I think we are more happy)

  • I am going to Mexico with my mom on Friday for 10 days.
  • I filled out my tax returns the other day, hopefully I get my returns before the federal economy crashes more. I'm letting California keep the $4 they took from me this year, it was that or an IOU.
  • I put away laundry today and filled papers so there are only 4 boxes I still need to unpack before my bedroom will be settled.
  • I finished writing my resume. It is good, full of euphemisms. Now I have to decide where to apply, boo.
  • I am not ready to be a parent, fortunately I'm not in the position to become one any time soon.

1 comment:

Noemma said...

I *just* read this blog! I'm glad you're writing stuff post-Nicaragua.

You're one of my favorites too. :)

"(+1)" then "(I think we are more happy now)" mean without that one??? Be nice, Joy!!!