This weekend we had a Christmas party at my house it was fine and dandy. We decided to wrap up presents and put them under the tree so that everyone could get a really cool gift. The gifts in themselves were quite fantastic but then their fantasticness grew when they were taped to firecrackers and lit on fire. I think that also improved our relationship with our neighbors and the digestive track of our dogs. Boxers don’t really know what to do when they find themselves chewing on silly putty.
We had some swell decorations
Plumbing.While my dear brother Jeremy was here our house started to have some plumbing problems. I would go into details but the details are disgusting so I’ll let you use your imagination (or not). The end result is that they are replacing all of our sewage lines, I guess they were concrete cylinders and now they are putting in PVC. This is not an easy process and involves ripping up the floor in 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and hallway and a lot of dust. So during the day we are isolated into my bedroom, bathroom, and the kitchen. My bathroom doesn’t drain properly either (like we’re pretty sure nothing makes it to the septic tank) but it is considered less urgent than the other half of the house. Supposedly they are finishing up soon but last I checked there is a pile of dirt in the hallway so I think it is safe to say there is a fair amount left to be done.
Bonus points if you remember what Purisima is. It is when Mary, mother of Jesus, was immaculately conceived, A.K.A. Dec 8th. It is celebrated by a whole bunch of firecrackers and alcohol, which I’m sure Mary appreciates. Purisma is officially just the 8th but it is celebrated beforehand and really the firecrackers are around all month. I like firecrackers as much as the next person but really enough is enough. And enough was when I was walking across the street on the night of Dec. 1st and one hit me in the leg. It hurt but didn’t leave a hole, which was fortunate since I was on the way to a Church service and didn’t have a change of pants on me.
I am leaving Managua a week from tomorrow morning so I am trying to prepare for that. I sent some stuff home with my recent houseguests and now am bequeathing things to my friends here. I mean most things I’ll just leave to the maid or my roommates or the trash but some things really need to be passed on to specific people so I am trying to make those tough decisions. I am also still working in the biblioteca. Things are progressing well with my replacement Rosmery but obviously we still have some things work out. Today I am going to a baby shower so she is completely on her own. It will be interesting to discuss that with her tomorrow. I still think life would be easier if everyone thought like I did, but I realize that isn’t a realistic solution. My other step in preparing to leave is meeting with people to say one final adios. The good thing with this is people are guilted into taking me to nice restaurants the bad thing is it is depressing. Half the things people say make me think I’m at my own memorial service, but at least I know I’ll be appreciated after my passing.
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