OK this week I actually have some pictures of the library.
Our Fall Tree
Today we made turkeys in honor of American Thanksgiving. I explained that in a few weeks there is a holiday called Thanksgiving in the United States and we eat turkey. They got to use scissors and glue so even if the activity had no significance to them it wasn’t a waste.
This week people are supposed to be turning in applications for librarian. So far I have two, but neither are looking very promising. It is hard when you know the people applying aren’t very qualified but you also know they are desperate for work because their families don’t have food. I don’t know how to resolve this discrepancy.
Last week I took a class on how to teach Spanish literacy and ESL. The classes were from 8-4 Monday to Friday and the knowledge I gained could have been condensed into 45 minutes tops. But it did open my eyes to what I might be facing in the states in five weeks if I get a job. Eight hours every day, shoot me now. Jobs aren’t all terrible, are they? Besides that reality check, I also worked on my ability to write with my left hand. It is a slow process but I am confident that if I lose my right hand I won’t be completely debilitated.
Sunday were nation-wide mayoral elections. Friday, Saturday and Monday were last minute legal holidays in honor of voting. Actually I have no idea why Friday and Saturday were off and Monday was off because it is unsafe to leave your house the day after elections because of rioting. During Monday’s riots two people were killed but that wasn’t going to keep me home, I went to Quiznos. I think people riot either because they are upset at how unfair the election process is or they are overly excited that their team won. In Managua the Sandinista party won, this wasn’t a big surprise since the president gave away stoves with propane tanks and 400 new houses in exchange for votes. There was also some suspicious behavior the day of voting. A friend of mine went to the poles at 5pm to vote and they told him that he was too late even though they were supposed to be open until 6, he is from the liberal party. He also told me that his cousin is Sandinista and her husband is liberal so his cousin took her husband’s ID so that he couldn’t vote. And I have a strong hunch that these were not isolated incidents.