Remember when I wrote as I was on my way to the airport? Don’t worry, I made it with time to spare. That was a month ago. Now I will predict your questions and give you answers?
So is Spain pretty much the same as Mexico?
I do not judge you for asking this question because I too do very little research before going anywhere and had no expectations. But no, right off the bat Spain is different, on the plane they serve Fanta limón and limón is lemon not lime, like it is in Mexico. And that’s not the only difference, I mean say you want potatoes and you ask for papas you’ll get a dirty look because papa means Pope and there the food is called patatas, Plus, as you know, they use the lisp, so buenos días isbuenoth díath, but I will not surrender!
The country is different in other ways too. It’s clean, and expensive and European and diverse. And people just assume I’m a Spaniard (until I open my mouth). No one in Mexico ever assumes I’m native.
What did you do?
I went to a lot of Bible studies (English and Spanish) and Kandy taught me how to cook Spanish foods. And I did dishes. I think the Lord really used my time with psycho roommates in Albuquerque to get me to really like washing dishes. So that’s something. Really it was pretty low key and great and the three weeks flew by.
Why did you go to New York?
b) To see if becoming Carrie’s nanny is a realistic job choice
c) To have a girls weekend with my sister and niece
d) It was free
e) To avoid coming back to California
f) A little bit of each of the above – this is the right answer
So, world traveller, you’re back, what kind of job are you looking for? Or, as my brother phrases it, “so do you have anything you actually have to do?”
My current job is unpacking and organizing 2.0. I started this task in July then ran away. Unfortunately, this doesn’t pay. I don’t actually care about this, but we live in a fallen world and things like changing car registration costs money. I’m looking for the type of job that starts in 2015 and God wants me to have. Basically I’m in no rush and I never even think about it until someone asks (or I anticipate being asked). Right now I’m at a coffee shop and the guy was like “oh, so you’re done for the day?” I guess it’s a good sign that I don’t look unemployed.
What things have made you laugh recently?
- The owner of the coffee shop just told someone, “Remember, our temper is the only thing we can’t get rid of by losing it.”
- This morning my nephew, Elijah, was explaining to me his Lego man but the description was based on lots of pop culture references. This is the conversation: “Have you seen How to Train a Dragon 2?” “No” “Have you seen the first one?” “No” , “Have you seen Frozen?” “No” “Have you seen any of the Lord of the Rings or Hobbit movies?” “Yes, part of the 1st one, twice, until I fell asleep.” I wonder how long it will take him to figure out I’m really not cool.
- Last night I made soup, my grandpa said, “Well, I’ve never had soup with this flavor before.” The other night I madearroz con pollo Arielle really liked it, she said, “it is better than fish and chips, and I don’t even like fish.” My family is really good at the backwards compliments.
Happy Thanksgiving next week!