Thursday, February 18, 2010

Here I am

Summary:  I am an administrative assistant at a chemical sales firm.
You may have noticed (or not) that I haven’t been writing much lately. If I were prone to making excuses, I would place all of the blame on having a job.  Don’t get me wrong, jobs are great for some things, like making money, but this particular job has the unfortunate side effect of stripping me of creative energies.  For that reason, and my own particular laziness this update will be but a shadow of the former glory you were accustomed to.
I was talking to this lady today, she can’t believe that she has been at D&G for 9 years, I experienced a little bit of the same panic when I realized I have been here for 7 months.  It isn’t that I don’t like and appreciate my job but the concept of working full-time is boring.  And now I am being redefined as this boring person and that is discouraging.  Please don’t try to encourage me by saying that in 40 years I can retire.  I am fully not planning on this as lifetime commitment.  I have many offers to be a full time nanny and one of my bosses thinks I should become a professional artist.
Now I will be positive.  Work gets me out of the house everyday at 7:20 (AM!!) that is probably healthy.  The average age in the company is close to 58 so I haven’t made any new BFF’s but it does provide a source of interaction with the outside world – and oh the stories I could tell about that interaction (more on that later).   Approximately once a week I get to take my boss’s car to the car wash, if I am working I might as well have a job that requires me to leave the office and sit outside reading in the sunshine.   In 2008 I had an Adjusted Gross Income of $450.  2009 I made more than that.  The office has very good drinking water.
Now here are some top stories of the month:
Monday I took off. I saw people and sun.
Tuesday someone brought her dog into the office, is that OK?
Also Tuesday I got to hear about this lady getting skin cancer removed from her face.  It made me want to throw-up, and thanks to the placement of my desk I got to hear her repeat it to everyone else in the office.
I won $25 in the Super Bowl pool.
I did a portrait of my boss’s golden retriever (now deceased) and his wife said it was the best gift any one has ever given her.  So good that she had it turned into prints to send out as cards.  In the business world a little creativity goes a long way.   I have now permanently secured my position at D&G – if that is what I was going for
I was informed that in the spring snow melts in the mountains and this provides water for the farmers to grow their crops.
Those are the only ones I can remember.  About 3 times a week I come home with major issues to vent.  I try to get over them quickly and then usually by 6pm all I have left of my workday is anecdotes to share with people when they ask me how my life is – because the reality is I am only awake and not at work for 6 hours a day and nothing very noteworthy happens in that time.
Any Questions?